Specific Creations

Staging of an industrial site

Étang de Berre, EDF hydro-electric plant

Spectacle proposed in the context of the World Water Forum themed "harmonizing water and energy”.

In an artistic universe, poetic and ephemeral, ilotopie recounts the story of the sharing of water in southeastern France.

On the occasion of the 6th World Water Forum, the hydraulic power plant of St-Chamas invites the public to a visit around an aquatic staging.
There was yet to find a name for the St-Chamas event.
It will be “water currents”.
That is how throughout the week, the public was able to visit the plant by the performances unfolded by the company.
Here a diva is perched high in the airs.
There a raft appears out of nowhere.
Thence aquatic deities…