Pyrotechnic watershow The Extraordinary Journey, strange floating character and a giant sphere on the water, smoke, bleu light, deep night.
On the water

The Extraordinary Journey

Anthropocene aquatic show

A new form of theatre exuberates itself in the energy of a primordial Element

INTRODUCTION water as a theater

Rivers, lakes, seas and ports are, with forests, our reservoirs of imagination.
Virgin scenes, water surfaces remain unbuilt breaths of the urban, fragments of horizons which carry the contemporary city dweller as to the edge of the urban jungle.
The mythologies born from this element, from surfing to engulfment, also construct our future, between ideals of gliding, fears of shortages and searches for water beyond.

It’s on this strong water and for many spectators that THE EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY proposes to transpose an immanent world into political poetry, in a water theatre the size of a football stadium.


SCENARIO the epic of a world

ACTE I Cosmogony A new world develops, implemented by mythological figures symbolizing the 4 elements.
ACTE II Ecce Homo The planet is populated with contemporary figures going about their business.
ACTE III Transmutation The world is shaking.


Preceded by their scouts, two emissaries riding strange mounts, explore the surface of water in search of a new world.
Floating in the center of the stage, a planet then comes to life under Gaya’s muffled footsteps.
As a dramatic scenographical heart, the planet shines on the life that develops on either side of its orbit : with masterful touches of light, color and explosions, chimera actors, fire joust, musical flights and incandescent mechanics forge the contours of this new world, soon inhabited by a contemporary population.

From dawn to dusk, brilliant, smoking, the planet continues its rotation, wearing out and consuming itself, perhaps revived in the end by life resuming its rights.

CAST a team of navig-actors

Authors : Dominique Noël & Bruno Schnebelin
Mise en scène : Dominique Noël
Musical compositions : Phil Spectrum & Sam de Agostini
Actors, dancers : Fanny Baxter – Ghislain Bertand – Lucile Boissonnet – Valérie Cartier – Leslie Cottet – Sébastien Coulomb – Fanny Decoust – Nathan Escudero – Emmanuel Fleury – Andràs Hadju – Anna Idatte – Daniela Luna – William Nefussi  Fabienne Passabet – Vincent Saint-Loubert Bié – Bruno Schnebelin Boris Wenger
Lighting designer  : Guillaume Sarrouy
General & stage managers : Julien Bonelli & Pascal Wyrobnik
Pyrotechnician : Julien Lemonnier ou Jean-Michel Marcheix
Costumes & props : Lucile Boissonnet & Ann Williams
Production & administration : Sandrine Brunet


  • MONTERREY Mexique – Festival International Santa Lucia
  • PARIS France – Ville de Paris – Festival Canal en Scène
  • BUCAREST Roumanie – B-Fit in the Street international Festival
  • RIGA Lettonie – Event – Sweden Bank
  • FOS SUR MER France – Summer Festival
  • water show the extraodinary Journey, a rider and his very high, made of bones floating horse.
  • Pyrotechnical watershow-the Extraordinary Journey-the umbrella clown, ilotopie. A clown on the water on a upsidedown big umbrella.
  • A floating horse and its rider, a petal carrying a person and fire, an image from an ilotopie show "The extraordinary Journey" here in Riga. The city on the back.
  • A heck on the water with fire and silver character walking on the water looking at him.
  • A silver character on a floating machine with a white character in a floating white petal on his back. An image of the ilotopie company water show the extraordinary Journey, here in Fos.
  • During the water show the Extraordinary Journey, performers riding their floating machine.
  • A dragon and a man on a petal on water. A Flash moment of the extraodinary Journey.
  • A floating bumper car, a floating tourist, a child on a big floating bed and a dancer on a big floating sphere. A picture take during The Extraodinary Journey, a water show by ilotopie company.
  • water show the Extraordinary Journey by ilotopie, here the water dragon breathe firing in front of a water diva and a strange white character, everybody on floating vehicules.
  • A queen on a giant dress floating on the water. A dragon sliding on her back. A picture from the water show The Extraodirary Journey by ilotopie the company.
  • A figure made of white veil in a petal floats in the middle of water which seems to be on fire. in the distance a sphere with kaleidoscope patterns. A moment from the show The Extraordinary Journey of the ilotopie company.
  • during the water show the Extraordinary Journey, the beginning of the floating wedding procession in dark water.
  • The water show The Extraordinary Journey by ilotopie à Fos-sur-Mer, France. A picture : A man with a mower on the water.
  • A touriste girl on her personal floating island. A picture from the water show the extraodinary journey by ilotopie company
  • During the water show The Extraordinary Journey, a water dragon and its master, an image of the ilotopie theater on the water company
  • A lady in a big blue dress, a dragon passes in front of her breathing fire. In front of the scene a character all in white in a leaf boat. Everything happens on a body of water which reflects them. It is an event of the show on the water the Extraordinary Journey by ilotopie company.
  • fireworks display on the water "An Extraordinary Journey" there in Fos-sur-mer, France, A young dreamer on a big floating ber looking at Gaïa, a dancer on a giant floating earth.
  • During the performance on the water the Extraodinary Journey : A man on a wave of water made of a suitcase takes photos. Here in Fos-sur-Mer.
  • A smiling woman standing on water seems to come back from the market. A picture from the water show The Extraordinary Journey by the ilotopie company.
  • The show on the water, the extraordinary journey of the ilotopie company : A général standing on a pedestal on the water makes an inflatable earth dance around his head.
  • Pyrotechnical water show by ilotopie la company, here the horse and the water digger.
  • water show the extraodinary journey here the two high floating horses and their riders, on a deep night waiting.
  • water show by the company ilotopie, the extraodinary Journey, here an angel on the water with its wings on fire and on the back a big sphere with a sinning character.
  • Theater on the water, the weeding, a scene of the water show the Extraordinary Journey by the ilotopie company.
  • A dreamer on a bed, a kaleidoscopic earth with a walking character on it, fire works on the back, all of this on the water. It is on of the special scene of the water show The Extraodinary Journey.
  • A giant ball on fire on the water at night. A part of the big water show The Extraodinary Journey by ilotopie
  • A weeding on the water. the married couple walking on the water, happy. Some ghosts on their back. a moment of the aquatic show the extraordinary Journey by ilotopie company.
  • Pyrotechnic watershow The Extraordinary Journey, strange floating character and a giant sphere on the water, smoke, bleu light, deep night.
  • A floating bride on the water face a giant floating ball get on fire. A moment of the fantastic water show The Extraodinary Journey by the ilotopie company
  • A lot of fireworks, the wedding on the water a lot of colors for this scene of the water show the Extraodinary Journey.
  • A big sphere on the water with a light character on it, a picture coming from the water show the Extraordinairy Journey by the ilotopie company
  • アクアティックパレード-A clown in an upside down umbrella floating on the water. An image of the show The Extraordinary Journey by ilotopie company
  • Water show the Extraodinary Journey, here the wedding on the water. One of the oniric on the water scene happen during the show.
  • The dreamer on his floating giand bed with fire light.
  • A man on a wave of water made of luggage. A picture from the water show The Extraodinary Journey, ilotopie company
  • A clown in a big umbrella floating on the water. A picture come from the ilotopie water show The Extraodinary Journey.
  • spectacle pyrotechnie sur l'eau "le voyage extraordinaire", ici la mise à feu de la terre.
  • Two devils light a giant sphere on the water, in the foreground a tourist on her personal floating island. One moment from the ilotopie company, the extraodinary journey.
  • Une image d'un spectacle sur l'eau de la compagnie ilotopie. Le final des personnages sur des engins flottant, des feux d'artifice, un plan d'eau vaste.
  • Spectacle pyrotechnique sur l'eau "le Voyage Extraordinaire" par la compagnie ilotopie, ici trois des personnages se rencontre sur l'eau. Une marchande de glace en triporteur, un touriste égaré, Une rêveuse dans un lit géant à rames.