Specific Creations

The Forum

Democratic seesaw

Microarchitecture reviving this basis of democracy that is the Forum

Small amphitheater at the waters’ edge finding balance between orator and spectators


The ilotopie team proposes a small amphitheater at the waters’ edge finding balance between orator and spectators. This balance is real and physical, so much so that the conception ensures that when the public departs, the speaker loses his status. In sum, a living comprehension of a type of democracy.

The aquatic and mobile forum is the true place of speech, and as such, a coveted place, but a risky one. It is in fact a great seesaw whose passengers are on one side; a dozen spectators; and on the other an orator, an aedile, a great witness, a poet, a human who transmits. Of course, it is the weight of the public that makes the grandeur of the tribune!