water theater by the ilotopie company, here a picture of the king carpet, a floating red carpet with fire, with a naked king an fool.
On the water

Water Fools

Grand aquatic and pyrotechnic show

Water in the city, from the lake to the river, the wharf to the beach, light the pleasures of horizons and open spaces, and rivers, lakes, seas and ports are, as with forests, our reservoirs of the imaginary.

A street, a car, a palace, princes and migrants, people of little means, all populate this modern fairy tale lost in the reflections of a fire-lit sky…


These water surfaces, blank theater stages, open the unconstructed urban breaths and transport the city dweller as to the edge of the urban jungle .

For the ilotopie company, water is a new field of experience for a contemporary theater exuberant in the energy of a primordial element. With water, all mythologies are already here, in us.

But the future gives sign as well, from surf to the lagoon city, from new energy to fear of shortages, from deluge to desires of waters-beyond.

By resolving the innumerable technical difficulties in order to allow the actor to preserve his expressive force and freedom of movement on the liquid element, we also realized that on the aquatic immensity, every living image is torn from its improbability and manufactures thus a new myth, from a single gesture and a single behavior.

Thus, a “water-piece” is born with 15 actors and thousands of spectators: Water Fools.

Bathed in Phil Spectrum’s original songwriting, this night show hijacks your senses, when a simple urban day, between cars and streetlights, strollers and bicycles, will metamorphose into scenes of folly and when supposed reason evaporates to benefit another world: chimeric actors, fire jousts, musical flights and mechanical incandescence will, thanks to masterful light-play, color and explosion, trace the ephemeral dramatic and utopian nature of man. With “Water Fools” you will join the spectators of festivals in London, Chicago, Moscow, Sydney, Buenos Aires and Singapore who have preserved, thanks to this event, the image of living water.

” If Lewis Carroll had turned his absurdist vision to street arts, teaming up with Salvador Dali and Hieronymus Bosch, he might have come up with Fous de Bassin, a strange, dreamy, floating spectacle created by French company ilotopie, who literally walk on water. It is a beautiful vision of hell.”
(Lyn Gardner in the Guardian)

Nocturnal 50 minute frontal aquatic show with no spoken word, alive with original music and pyrotechnics ;
spectators  on 100 meters of width on banks, docks, grandstands or beaches for 3 000-8 000 spectators depending on the configuration of the site ;
aquatic stage area : 1 hectare. On site location evaluation essential.

With “Water Fools” you will join the spectators of festivals in London, Chicago, Moscow, Sydney, Buenos Aires and Singapore who have preserved, thanks to this event, the image of living water.

” If Lewis Carroll had turned his absurdist vision to street arts, teaming up with Salvador Dali and Hieronymus Bosch, he might have come up with Water Fools, a strange, dreamy, floating spectacle created by French company ilotopie, who literally walk on water. It is a beautiful vision of hell.”
(Lyn Gardner in the Guardian)

Nocturnal 50 minute frontal aquatic show with no spoken word, alive with original music and pyrotechnics ;
spectators  on 100 meters of width on banks, docks, grandstands or beaches for 3 000-8 000 spectators depending on the configuration of the site ;
aquatic stage area : 1 hectare. On site location evaluation essential.

  • On the water, in a big bed a child hang on a branch of a floating tree. A picture from the ilotopie water show water fools
  • Big water show on the water by the ilotopie company, here the naked king on a red floating carpet fire works on his leg coming from a floating pawn.
  • scene aquatique du spectacle Fous de Bassin
  • 水上ショー ウォーターフール-イロトピア
  • 水上の劇場-水バカ
  • Le rêveur et l'arbre, une image du spectacle Fous de bassin de la compagnie ilotopie
  • La mère et son enfant soldat, Une image du spectacle de la compagnie ilotopie à Taiwan pour la fêtes des lanternes